
Investor Relations.

Bengt A. Rem (b. 1961)

Chairman of the Board

Member of the board since 2015, Chairman of the Board since 2016. 

Education and experience: Mr. Rem holds a Master of Science in Business Administration and Finance from the Norwegian Business School (BI) and is a state authorized public accountant from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). Bengt A. Rem is CEO of Kistefos AS. Prior to joining Kistefos in 2015, Bengt A. Rem was CEO in Arctic Partners. His previous experience also includes leading positions in the Aker Group, Executive Vice President & CFO in Aker ASA, partner and CEO in Aker RGI Management AS, Executive Vice President and CFO in Aker RGI ASA, Head of the Department Responsible for Financial Instruments on the Oslo Stock Exchange and state authorized accountant in Arthur Andersen & Co.

Other ongoing assignments: Mr. Rem is Chairman of the Board of Advanzia Bank S.A and Western Bulk Chartering AS and is Board member of Oslo Airport City AS.


Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: No

Håkan Larsson (b. 1947)

Board member

Member of the board since 1993.

Education and experience: Mr. Larsson holds a Degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics from the University of Gothenburg. Håkan Larsson was the CEO of Rederi AB Transatlantic from 2003 to 2007 and has more than 40 years experience from senior executive positions within transport, logistics and shipping. Mr. Larsson was previously CEO of Bilspedition/ BTL and Schenker AG.

Other ongoing assignments: Mr. Larsson is Chairman of the Board of Valea AB and Valea Holding AB. He is Board member of Stolt Nielsen Ltd and Helian AB.

Shareholding: 92 Series A shares and 3,909 Series B shares.

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Magnus Sonnorp (b. 1967)

Board member

Member of the board since April 2010. 

Education and work experience: Mr. Sonnorp holds a M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and an MBA from Insead.

Education and experience: Magnus Sonnorp has more than 25 years experience from business management. Mr. Sonnorp is CEO of Alucrom AB and was previously CEO of Lokaldelen Försäljnings AB, De Gule Sidor A/S and Interninfo Management AS.

Other ongoing assignments: Mr. Sonnorp is Chariman of the board of Cebon Group AB and a Board member of East Capital Baltic Property Fund, Linver AB and Sulgrave Rd AB.

Shareholding: 2,200 Series B shares.

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Lars Petter Utseth (b. 1990)

Board member

Board member since 2024.

Education and experience: Master of Science in Finance, Norweigan School of Economics (NHH). Currently part of the investment team at Kistefos. Worked in the Investment Banking Division at SpareBank1 Markets prior to joining Kistefos.

Other ongoing assignments: Board member of OstomyCure AS, Seram Coatings AS, Lumarine AS, Rødhallen AS,  Viking Invest AS and  Argeo AS.

Shareholding: -

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: No


Petter Orvefors (b. 1994)

Board member

Member of the board since 2023.

Education and experience: Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science, Chalmers University of Technology. Experience in the maritime industry since 2010. Currently Chief Officer, Viking Supply Ships AB (publ)

Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Panord Invest AB, Enneff Hallen AB and Filias Portum AB.

Prior assignments (for the past five years): -

Shareholding: 1 share.

Independency pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Not independent in relation to the company or management or in relation to major shareholders.

Christer Lindgren (b.1965)

Employee representative, SEKO seafarers

Board member since 2001. 

Education and experience: Mr. Lindgren is a chef and sailor.

Other ongoing assignments: Board member of SEKO seafarers.

Shareholding: -


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